Matty Nicholas reviews the Whitewater Deck

Posted By: Peak UK Published: 17/06/2016

Matty Nicholas

For a long time I had been using spray decks with a rand rather than a nylon cord. My experience with them is that they are very reliable in terms of staying on, not very water tight and very expensive. So why use one? The general consensus is that people feel they are required for going big…. The question you need to ask yourself is; how big do you want to go? Because a good cord deck such as the Peak UK White Water spray deck will keep you safe whilst you push your paddling to the highest level. All of the kayaking that I have done over the last six months has involved me using this spray deck.

Matty Nicholas

I don’t run 100 foot waterfalls everyday but I paddle as much as I can and on varied types of white water. I solo or paddle in small groups a lot these days and this requires absolute confidence in the equipment I use. This spray deck meets these requirements and exceeds them.

Good flows in Italy

Good flows in Italy. Photo: Adam Ramadan


I have been using the Peak UK White Water Deck since January this year. In that time I have used the deck on steep creeks, waterfalls, rivers with a good amount of volume and for freestyle.

Cylinder Drop on the Egua in Italy.

Cylinder Drop on the Egua in Italy. Photo – Amy Elworthy


Spray decks are an important safety feature when white water kayaking. Implosions can be problematic and in some cases dangerous. Peak UK have eliminated these problems and created a spray deck that is water tight, implosion resistant and at half the price of some of the rand spray decks. I would highly recommend it!

Westburton Falls

I have run Westburton Falls on several occasions now. Some good Yorkshire flows in January this year allowed another great day on the water. Photo – Adam Ramadan


Nedd Fechan

Nedd Fechan in South Wales – Photo Amy Elworthy

Article - Matty Nicholas

Photos – Adam Ramadan, Amy Elworthy