We are proud to work with an extensive network of Peak PS stockists. Our dealers are the finest canoe and kayak stores in the UK, Europe and across the world. If you cannot find a store near you please contact us.

Czech Republic

Boatpark Pavel Lichtag
Boatpark S.R.O, Sokolovska 146, 186 00 Prague 8, 186 00
+420 284 826 787

Henrich Rott
Kajaky.Cz, Spol. S R.O. (Ltd), U Top
00 420 220 416 218

Water Element S.R.O.
Rokycanova 57, Brno 615 00
00 420 604 404 386

RK Company
Tovární 678 789 69. Postřelmov
+420 601 280 777

Charles Composite Production
Beranovych 65, Prague